1979 Holden Statesman - today's tempter

By: Unique Cars magazine

holdenstatesman1 1979 Holden Statesman - today's tempter holdenstatesman1
holdenstatesman2 1979 Holden Statesman - today's tempter holdenstatesman2

Local luxomobile

While Ford struggled to differentiate the Fairlane from the Falcon during much of the ‘70s, Holden managed to create a more unique visual identity for the Statesman from the HQ onward. With no replacement available, the model lasted well into the 80s alongside the Commodore.

This Stato is a HZ SL/E, described as a longtime family car by the owner. Like many V8s to have survived the 90s, the factory 308 has copped a dual fuel LPG installation — though with today’s fuel prices it’s not such an offensive proposition.

The car was resprayed in 2002, and the paint job seems to have held up admirably. The owner also says the car is rust-free, and the interior is respectable aside from split leather on the centre console. 

With a negotiable price tag of $35,000 it would make a seriously comfy cruiser. You’ll find it for sale in Pomona, QLD.

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