Socks or Subs - it's an easy choice!

By: Unique Cars magazine

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Christmas special for Australia's top motoring mags

Instead of scratching around the nearest department store desperately wondering what to get the petrolhead in your life, you could do this: Get them a subscription to one of Australia's top motoring mags for as little as $49 for six months or $89 for a full year.

That's a big saving (up to 40-something per cent) off the regular price and will put a smile on their dial, on a regular basis.

Your choices include Unique Cars mag, Wheels, MOTOR, 4X4 Autralia and Street Machine, which means you can cover pretty much any four-wheeled variation on the planet.

It's easy to do, and will bring months of happiness and inspiriation.

See the details here...oh, and Happy Christmas!


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