Alfa Romeo SZ (Sprint Zagato) review - video

By: Andy Enright, Unique Cars magazine

Rare as the proverbial hen's teeth, the Alfa SZ (Sprint Zagato) has aged surprisingly well...

Alfa Romeo SZ (Sprint Zagato) review - video
Alfa Romeo SZ series.

To drive an Alfa Romeo SZ is a wholly frustrating exercise in preparing your excuses early, writing flaws off as character, dusting down a few Latin stereotypes and then realising that you’d completely wasted your time.

In fact, it’s hard to think of too many sporting rivals that have shucked off more than a quarter of a century quite as well as the SZ.

By comparison a contemporary Porsche 911 feels a bit of a relic, a Lotus Esprit closer to its kit-car roots than we cared to admit at the time, while here in Oz the Commodore VN SS represented our brave new world. Now there’s some perspective...

Watch the video for more and read the full story on the Alfa SZ and RZ here.


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