Video: Bowe Torana vs Mustang Sally

Bowe Torana vs Mustang Sally Bowe Torana vs Mustang Sally Bowe Torana vs Mustang Sally

Repair bill x 2 for John Bowe Racing at Queensland Raceway on August 3, as he battles Steve Johnson and Andrew Miedecke, in the SL/R Torana prepared by Bendigo Retro Muscle Cars


Video: Bowe Torana vs Mustang Sally

The old "rubbing is racing" excuse rears its fence-sitting self again after the Touring Car Masters’ round at Queensland Raceway on August 3rd, when in the dying laps of race three, Bowe was closing in on Steve Johnson in "Mustang Sally", run by John Bowe Racing.

JB later quipped on his Facebook page, "Everyone knows the Beatles song ‘Come Together’, right? Sadly, this is my rendition…As a racer you have a book of excuses, just in case. I'm still looking for mine after this expensive excursion."


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