Secure your spot in our Christmas edition

Have you booked your space for the super popular December edition of Unique Cars?

Secure your spot in our Christmas edition
Are you up for a classic Christmas season?

The sun’s out, the barbecue’s cooking, the drinks are cold and it’s that Christmas time of year when Unique Cars readers spend plenty of time catching up on the latest edition of the magazine, admiring the work of fellow car lovers, and starting to plan their own projects for the year ahead.

December is the biggest edition of Unique Cars every year.

We know from decades of experience that subscription sales for the magazine are a great gift for anyone who loves their cars with a passion. Have you bought yours yet?

We also know that the Christmas edition presents a fantastic opportunity for any businesses servicing the unique car market to have their products and services front of mind at a crucial time of year.

The time is NOW to get your brand out there and start building awareness with your future buyers to ensure your service or product becomes part of their New Year’s resolution plans.

To find out what Unique Cars can do for your business, contact our Business Development Manager Michael Kinsela on 03 9690 8766, or 0422 635 778.

Alternatively, you can email Michael at or add your details to the form below and he will be in touch directly. 

Bookings for the December edition close on November 17


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