Hanging Rock car show 2023 gallery

By: Guy Allen, Unique Cars mag

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Back to its peak form

The annual Picnic at Hanging Rock Classic Car Show returned to peak form this year with a massive turnout. 

Around 900 display cars made the trek to the scenic venue, along with 2000 spectator cars.

The event has been hit by threats of bushfire and COVID delays over recent years, however this year turned on mild weather.

A huge turn-out gave credence to the popular theory that post-lockdown Melburnians are keen to get out there, as we're hearing of lots of events pulling big crowds.

This year's show was dominated by locally-made cars, with a strong American contingent. 

A smattering of European and Japanese machinery was also on hand, though perhaps not in the strength of numbers we've seen in previous years.

The show is organised by the Macedon Ranges and District Motor Club.

Enjoy the gallery.

See the 2022 gallery

And the 2020 gallery


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