1957 MGA - today's tempter

By: Unique Cars magazine

mga1 1957 MGA - today's tempter mga1
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Classic Brit

Walk around an MGA and it’s easy to come to the conclusion this was one of the most elegant and well-proportioned cars to come out of the mid-twentieth century. Those looks paid off when it came to sales.

In a feature on the series, Cliff Chambers notes: "In the space of a few months during the 1950s. MG transformed itself from a brand trapped in the past to market leader in the realm of affordable sports cars.

"The MGA was so different from previous T Series that the company was nervous about its effect on conservative markets like the United States. They had no need to stress.

"Of the 100,000 As built during the ensuing five years, more than 80 percent were exported and most were bought by US-based enthusiasts. That still left plenty for UK and Colonial sales from which Australia’s stock of cars has largely come."

The seller of this car, a mechanic, has recently completed a comprehensive restoration.

Basic specs include a 1500cc inline four powerplant matched to a four-speed manual transmission.

Located in Upper Coomera, Queensland, it’s on the market for $43,000.

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