QLD: The Volkswagen Show and Swap Meet will be held at Heritage Park, Pimpama on Sunday 3rd May, 2015
Volkswagen Show and Swap
Heritage Park,
193 Rifle Range Road,
Pimpama, Qld
(take exit 49 from M1 Motorway)
Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Gates open from 8:30am
The 14th annual Gold Coast Dub Club Show and Swap will be held on Sunday, 3rd May at Heritage Park, Pimpama.
Volkwagens of all types and condition are welcome for the display which starts from 9:00am.
The South Coast Restoration Society Inc Historical Display at Heritage Park will be from 10:00am – 3:00pm.
There will be public judging of the VW car show, plus the swap meet and trade stands. Food and drink will also be available on-site.
VW entry: $5.00
Swap site: $25.00
Trade site: $50.00
Public entry: Gold coin donation
Craig: 402 383 875
Darren (SCRS – Heritage Park): 0429 191 121
Visit the Gold Coast Dub Club Inc: http://www.gcdubclub.org.au/