
Changes to the Victorian Club Permit Scheme (CPS)

VicRoads puts the screws on the Victorian club rego scheme...


Victorian Club Permit Scheme


It was inevitable really. Unique Cars’ ex-editor, Greg Leech wrote about it way back in September 2013. “Talk to any rusted-on car club guy and you’ll quickly hear that numbers have swelled in recent times,” he observed. “All of a sudden it’s remarkably attractive to join a car club. The amount of sausages going on the barbie at the monthly meetings however has remained a little constant. All these keen newbies have other things to do, it seems.” Leechy was right. The car club scheme had turned into a bit of a rortfest.

This abuse of what was always a pilot scheme has seen VicRoads clamp down hard.  From January 31st, things are a good deal stricter. The most material change is that whether your car is unregistered or not, for vehicles manufactured after 1948 you’re going to need a roadworthy certificate which is good for 30 days from the date of issue.  Your car club will then need to inspect your vehicle and stamp the new VicRoads application form. Don’t go with an old one – you’ll only get knocked back.

Those with modified cars will need to have a look at VicRoads Vehicle Standard Information sheet No. 33 (VSI33) to ensure their cars don’t exceed those standards or an engineer’s report (VASS Certificate) will be required.  Otherwise VSI 8 describes permitted modifications. Those vehicles modified beyond VSI 33 and/or VSI 8 will require inspection by VicRoads certified engineers. After inspection, your completed paperwork can then be presented to VicRoads for the issue of Club Permit Scheme log book, permit certificate, windscreen label and a pair of plates.  Other changes of note include:

  • Initial club permit applications (not renewals) will need to be accompanied with a document of proof of ownership or management of the vehicle. 
  • For pre-1949 vehicles, clubs will continue to conduct their own safety inspection (which may be a certificate of roadworthiness or a club safety inspection based on VicRoads’ guidelines). 
  • An “M” club permit plate will be issued to identify modified vehicles where a VASS certificate has been provided.
  • Clubs are required to maintain dated photographs of vehicles entering the club permit scheme in accordance with the new Club Permit Agreement.

VicRoads has, thus far, played a straight bat on the requirements for the changes. As Chris McNally, Director Registration and Licensing Practice and Standards explained, “The changes are intended to improve safety and integrity, improve inspection and identification requirements, introduce clearer vehicle standards, ensure certification of modified vehicles and continue to make participation in the Club Permit Scheme an enjoyable experience for all users. They’re intended to apply the same standards to club permit vehicles as to all registered vehicles.”  He went on to state that after a consultation process with car clubs, “New vehicle modification guidelines and some new administrative requirements (such as clubs taking dated photographs of vehicles)” were adopted. “The proposals were well supported and VicRoads adopted some of the changes suggested by clubs,” he noted.

In plain speak? The changes are formulated to weed out badly modified cars that would never pass engineering or gain a roadworthy certificate. The move will please genuine club members but don’t be surprised if you find a few cheap wrong ‘uns start to pop up in the classifieds. You’ll need to start asking a few more detailed questions when inspecting a vehicle that had previously been on club plates. As is always the case, buyer beware. 


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