
Sydney Summer Twilight Rally Sprints to start soon

Good clean track fun for anyone who has a car

The Tarmac Twilight Rally Sprint Series is again being hosted over summer by the North Shore Sporting Car Club on a 3.5km circuit within the grounds of Sydney Dragway.

For Unique Cars readers, there’s plenty to like about this event. Firstly, don’t be scared by the word ‘rally’: it’s held on bitumen, not gravel, making it suitable for standard road cars, classic or modern.  Secondly, it’s in the middle of Sydney, so there’s not much travel involved for Sydney car enthusiasts. Third, it’s on a Thursday night beginning at 6pm so entrants will have something to chat about at work (or school) on Friday morning.

Last but not least, spectator entry is free, giving car nuts a fun alternative to wandering around the shops on a Thursday night! As the club says, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy regular motorsport without cutting into family or leisure time too much. 

Being a rally, each car must carry a co-driver/navigator and pace notes are provided. Having participated at the event for the first time last year, yours truly can assure you the notes are not required as there is the opportunity for two sighting/reconnaissance laps so you’ll know where you’re going. However, for aspiring rally (dirt or tarmac) competitors – or anyone who wants to set-up a good-handling car for road or track – it’s a great chance to get a feel for things, or to finally silence that loud-mouth mate who always reckons his car is better than anyone else’s.

Plenty of classic cars run at the Sprints: street-spec Escorts and Datsuns as well as dedicated era-correct rally cars mix it with later-model higher performance stuff. Most cars in the event see at least full-throttle third gear, so speeds are well in excess of 130km/h for much of the lap, after snaking through some first-and second-gear slow-corner stuff. Top fun!

To enter, you’ll need to be a member of NSSCC, have a CAMS licence and meet some basic safety/scrutineering requirements. Entry is $250 per round or the six-round championship for $1250 and each competitor gets typically four laps over the evening. More info at: or find North Shore Sporting Car Club on Facebook.


1. 20-Oct-2016 Thursday
2. 22-Nov-2016 Tuesday (note tues)
3. 15-Dec-2016 Thursday
4. 16-Feb-2017 Thursday
5. 16-Mar-2017 Thursday

Photography: Dave Oliver Photography

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