Buyers Guide

Rolls-Royce 1981-2006: Market Review 2019

Rolls-Royce 1981-2006 market review

Having a business where your Rolls-Royce can generate income is a good excuse for owning one and $30-40,000 is cheap for an entry-level car. The later Seraph is sufficiently important and interesting to attract enthusiast buyers, especially as the slide in values has slowed.

Less viable is the Phantom, which at launch in 2004 was priced at close to $1 million and since then has lost about 70 per cent of that initial outlay.

Better news exists for owners of 1980s-90s Silver Spirits and Spurs. These continue to diminish but their rates of depreciation are slowing and perhaps are headed in a few years time for an improvement.

Silver Spirit 1981-89 $31,400 [17] 

Silver Spur 1982-90 $39,600 [5]

Silver Spur/Spirit 1991-97 $66,535 [5] 

Silver Seraph $125,550 [8]

Phantom 2004-08 $328,690 [4]

[*] = number of recorded sales

(Note: concours & special cars may demand more.)

Numbers from our 2019 European & British Value Guide.


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