
Record-setting Midget – oddball story for the day

The circuit racer that went to Bonneville

We couldn’t resist this pic shared by Rod Authority in the USA, of the famous racer Rex Mays prepping for a speed run at Bonneville in his speedway midget racer.

In 1949 he set a new record for midget race cars of 147.307mph (237km/h). Okay, so a lot of road cars will easily do that and more, but have a look at the size of the car and keep in mind this was on salt. 

Given it was probably about as stable as a rat on speed, it would have been a hair-raising experience.

Midget racers at the time were restricted to 140 cubic inch engines (2.3lt) and one of the most popular options was a Ford 60. That is a 136ci (2.2lt) flathead V8 that promised 60 horses.

Mays, unfortunately, was killed in a speedway crash later that year.


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