Day 4: With their first full day of sunshine, Rod & Archie Allen enjoy another fine day of Morganing as they make their way to Castlecrag, NSW.
Morgan 3-Wheeler Long Drive – Day 4
Date: 9 August, 2015
Drive: Bateman’s Bay to Castlecrag
Distance: 440.0km
Fuel: 38.53L
Sunshine! Finally a clear blue sky all day. Of course, we didn’t put enough sunscreen on and so got a little sunburnt.
We headed due west of Bateman’s Bay on the Kings Highway towards Braidwood. A lovely piece of road with a mix of long and tight turns. Very little traffic and whole lot of fun. We had to stop at the famous Braidwood Bakery for a pie, of course. Then weave our way through the crowd that always forms around the M3W when you stop.
“No, it not a vintage. It’s new.”
“S&S 2-litre engine with an MX5 gearbox.”
“Yep, it sure is fun.”
The map showed a short cut to Nowra using the Nerriga Road. What it didn’t show was that about 15km in, this turned into a dirt track. Now, the M3W is a fantastic car but with a 10cm ground clearance and one-wheel-drive it’s never going to win the Paris to Dakar. So we had to backtrack to the main road and head towards Goulburn. Lovely crisp drive across the top of the mountains.
A little blast down the Hume Highway and we turned off onto the Illawarra Highway. Now this “highway” travels down the Macquarie Pass. Lots of switchbacks and 15-25km turns. If only we had more time I could have gone up and down this patch all day.
Dropped in on folks in Haywards Bay and then along the Sea Cliff Bridge. Amazing engineering.
Then we cruised into the city and took the green machine across the Sydney Harbour Bridge at dusk. Spectacular.
We stayed with folks in Castlecrag and I expect there will be a few letters of complaint in the local newspaper about this noisy machine running up and down their quiet little enclave. Welcome to Morganing, Castlecrag!
– Read Rod’s update of day 5 here…
Photography: Rod & Archie Allen