Rod and Archie Allen from Brisbane head off on the first day of their adventure after picking up their Morgan 3-Wheeler in Melbourne. Here's what happened on day one...
Morgan 3-Wheeler Long Drive – Day 1
As their adventure begins in Melbourne, Rod Allen gives us an update on the first part of their long drive in the Morgan on their way back to Brisbane…
Date: 6 August, 2015
Drive: Richmond, Melbourne to Port Campbell
Distance: 300.7km
Fuel: 33.7L
Now if you are going to have an adventure the last thing you want is clear skies, calm seas and fair winds. You need hardship and adversity, otherwise it won’t be an epic. Melbourne supplied that for us. Eight degrees and raining. Perfect.
The first thing you notice about the Morgan 3-Wheeler is that everyone notices the Morgan 3-Wheeler. We have had hundreds of rubber neckers, thumbs up, toots and waves. Every one of them accompanied by a huge grin. It seems this little car makes not just the driver smile, it makes everyone smile.
We drove gingerly out of Melbourne on the freeway and headed for the Great Ocean Road. The weather remained variable all day. The M3W handled the wet roads beautifully. The engine likes to rev a lot higher than a car engine. Around town you just flick between 2nd and 3rd gear. It doesn’t like 4th gear until you are well north of 80km. Overdrive is reserved for the freeway once you are cruising over 105kph.
There is a lovely yellow diamond warning sign at the start of the Great Ocean Road which warns of bends ahead for 50km. I grabbed a photo of the next one which said 38km. Looking over the bonnet of an M3W with a sign saying 38km of bends ahead is about as close to Heaven as you can get.
What a road. What a car. What a drive. Woohoo!
We stopped at the 12 Apostles and took a helicopter ride. The most impressive thing to see from the chopper was a little M3W from the air!
– Read Rod’s update of day 2 here…
Photography: Rod & Archie Allen