NSW: The Mopars Down South 2015 will include a show 'n' shine on Sunday 3rd May, 2015, at Huskisson Beach Tourist Resort Foreshore.
Mopars Down South 2015
Hosted by The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc
Huskisson Beach Tourist Restort Foreshore
Sunday 3rd May, 2015
9:00am – 12:00pm
Public entry via gold coin donation
As part of the Mopars Down South 2015 Cruise and Car Show, there will be a Show ‘n’ Shine on the Huskisson Beach Tourist Restort Foreshore.
The Regals Mopar Car Club Inc is a Sydney based club for Mopar fans and will be hosting the event.
So if you have a passion for all pre-1981 Australian and American Chryslers, Valiants, Dodges and Plymouths, come to the foreshore between 9:00am – 12:00pm to see the cars and meet the owners.
Website: http://regals.com.au/
Email: info@regals.com.au