Hoppers Stoppers has, for many, become the go-to place for fitting out your project with brakes, with good reason
Hoppers Stoppers has, for many, become the go-to place for fitting out your project with brakes, with good reason.
The business was founded by Peter Konig in 1990 and is now managed day-today by Shanon Boult. He’s a rusted-on car-nut who dabbles in circuit racing, drifting and rallying with a pair of R32 Skylines, while he also has a Godzilla tucked away somewhere. “We’re all passionate about cars in one form or another,” he says.
They run a workshop and brake build service, but its main business these days is the 200-plus kits for a big range of machinery, with an emphasis on Aussie and American. They’re sold all over the country.
“We’re proud to say everything is Australianmade, including DBA discs and PBR calipers.” Not surprisingly, Shanon isn’t a fan of buying bits off eBay and he has some valid reasons. “A lot of people who sell on eBay don’t have the same backing – they’re a bit more carefree.
“Here you can pick up the phone or walk through the door or send an email and you will get customer service. If you need accessories such as boosters and master cylinders, we can do that. And they’re built to an engineering standard. We keep all that in mind when we build brakes.
Components are locally made – we fitted them to our Project HQ
“We meet Australian standards such as pressures for calipers, which is 3000psi. Some people sell calipers which only reach 1200psi – 40 per cent of where you need to be.
“I know if I sell a kit to someone and they go fit it, get out in traffic on the freeway have an emergency stop, I can sleep at night.”
His advice is, when doing a car build, make sure you think about the whole chain of components not just individual pieces. Thinking through the whole process and starting with a decent foundation will save money in the long run.
“We’re giving free advice the whole time,” he says, “That’s how it’s always been.
“When someone rings up I’ll ask them maybe five questions which don’t seem to relate to brakes and then ‘build’ the car in my head.” For example? “What diff are you putting in? Maybe it’s a Ford nine-inch going into a Torana. So we have to go Ford pattern instead of Holden and where does all this sit with the rules?”
Cost varies, but as a rough guide $3000-4000 will fit out the entire car with new, properly engineered components – not a massive spend when you look at a total build budget. And, let’s face it, you’re stuffed without decent brakes!
The company’s website is hoppers.com.au and is well worth a look.
9 Nevada Court,
Hoppers Crossing,
Victoria Australia 3029
Phone 03 9748 6950
Website: www.hoppers.com.au