Holden HD-HR
The money being asked for some HR Holdens looks excessive; however these cars are matching the EH in their popularity. Lots were made and survivors are common, however the one to get if you’re a collector is the HR 186S four-speed – especially if it’s a Premier. For one of those (unless it has a high-profile former owner) expect to pay somewhere between $55,000 and $75,000. A typical HR Special 186 in usable condition should cost $24-27,000, with panel vans dearer than other types.
| Read next: Holden HD X2 Premier sells for $120k
The HD was considered radical when new but almost 180,000 were sold. These at one point looked endangered but lots must have been hidden in sheds because plenty have appeared in the market and sell at more than $20,000. HD Premiers are scarce and $40-45,000 looks feasible for quality cars.
| Buyer’s Guide: Holden HD-HR 1965-1968
HD $27,885 [11]
HR $28,290 [27]
HD Premier $48,500 [2]
HR Premier $48,100 [5]
HD X2/HR 186S [N/S]
[*] = number of recorded sales
(Note: concours & special cars may demand more.)
Numbers from our 2021 Aussie Family & Sports Car Value Guide.
| 2019 Market Review: Holden HD-HR
From Unique Cars #450, March 2021