
Gosford Classic Car Museum: Petrolhead Heaven

Gosford in NSW has become the somewhat unlikely location for the country’s biggest motoring museum

A former Bunnings Warehouse at West Gosford on the NSW Central Coast may seem an unlikely location to house some of the world’s most exotic collector cars.

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However, in just 12 months the 18,000sq metre facility has been totally transformed into Australia’s largest car museum and now ranks within the top 5 car museums in the world.

An impressive spread of over 450 cars is on display representing a $70 million investment while the building and its renovation have added another $15 million.

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Owner Tony Denny, who purchased his first classic car, a 1955 Ford Zephyr, in his 20s, says the opening of the world class museum is the highlight of his life. Importantly, while many other car museums around the world struggle with falling attendances Denny has established his latest automotive venture on a very different business model.

As he says, “this is a car museum with a difference with most of the cars on display available for sale.” However, with many carrying seven figure valuations one suspects he won’t be using Bunnings marketing adage of lowest prices are just the beginning.

“We intend to turn over around 30 cars a month, which apart from helping to cover overheads will keep the collection somewhat fresh.” As he says, “With around 180 new collector cars every six months it will also attract return visitors.”

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Photography: Mark Bean

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