Looking for car events in Tas?
18 February
Deloraine Car Show
The Deloraine Street Car Show is presented by the Van Diemens Street Rod Club and is being held on Sunday 18th February 2018 in Deloraine. Come down to the main street of Deloraine and enjoy hundreds of pre 1988 classic and custom cars, dance along to the 4 live bands and DJ throughout the day. Make the most of our fabulous local shops, hotels and eateries.
Contact: Facebook
25 February
Wings and Things
The Rotary Club of George Town will be holding its annual Wings and Things Family Fun Day on 25th February 2018. Displays of veteran and vintage cars, street cars, hot rods, veteran and vintage, motorbikes, aircraft with flights available. Kombis are the feature car.
Contact: 0459 039 090
25 March
Devonport Motor Show
The Rotary Club of Devonport North are holding the Devonport Motor Show on the 25th March 2018. Established in 2007, this event has grown significantly in size each year since inception. The Show is held at Devonport’s Roundhouse Park, Victoria Parade, a wonderful location, on the foreshore of the Mersey River.
Contact: devonportmotorshow.com
Got an event you want to list?
Contact us at uniquecars@primecreative.com.au