ACT, Events

Events: Canberra Mustang Show 2015

The biannual Canberra Mustang Show is on this Sunday, 22nd February, to be held on the West Lawns of Old Parliament House.


Canberra Mustang Show 2015

The Canberra Mustang Show is a biannual event and this year will be held year on Sunday 22nd February on the West Lawns of Old Parliament House.

The aim is to have over 100 Mustangs from Canberra and the surrounding areas on display and proceeds of the show are donated each year to a local charity, with all profits given back to the community.

Previous events have raised funds for the Heart Foundation, Paediatrics Unit at the Canberra Hospital and the Sarah Disbrey Appeal in 2013, which raised $5000. This year’s fundraising will go towards supporting a local family to perform a vehicle hand control conversion for their 17-year-old son.

Entry is only available on the morning of the event and you don’t have to be a member of the Mustang Owners Club of Australia (MOCA) to enter. Trophies will be awarded across several categories including a People’s Choice award.

Food, drinks and ice creams will be available on the day, as well as trade stalls and a jumping castle for the kids.


West Lawns, Old Parliament House

8:30am – 2:30pm

$20.00 per vehicle 
Public entry: gold coin donation

Andrew Charlton: 0466 393 799


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