Given Carl Borgward prolific range of cars and brands, it's interesting that the Isabella became the crowd favourit
Today’s Borgward Car Club of Australia, incorporated in 2002, draws on the rich traditions of the original Borgward Club that was formed around1984 in Melbourne. Although its outings and meetings are still fondly remembered by Borgward enthusiasts in today’s club, the original club was wound up in 1995. Credit goes to Borgward owner since 1961, Ray Harrison, for reviving the club in 1997. Following Ray’s pioneering efforts the club has continued to grow and prosper. The club’s constitution allows members to participate in committee work regardless of their location in Australia, via email phone or letter. A large proportion of members live in rural Australia.
Club membership currently totals around 50, including some who bought their Borgwards new. By contrast some younger club stalwarts were born decades after the Borgward Group came to its untimely end.
Members receive a quarterly newsletter, which is one medium the club uses to promote participation in regional events. The club sees this promotion of contact between fellow enthusiasts as a central role.
Already involved in assisting members with sources for spare parts, in some cases itself being the supplier of certain spares, the club has plans in place to further facilitate availability of parts to members. It is working with local firms to increase the number of items being manufactured. Perhaps surprisingly, the club reports that Australian businesses have the potential to supply better quality parts than can be sourced overseas, and at a lower price.
Many members have extensive restoration projects on the go, while others have beautifully finished vehicles. The Isabella Coupé is the most popular model in the Club, followed by other Isabella models and a range of Hansa, Goliath und Lloyd vehicles. Members are encouraged to participate in larger regional events, such as the various German Autofests or the famous Bay to Birdwood Classic in Adelaide.
The club encourages all readers with an interest in Lloyd, Goliath, Hansa, or Borgward vehicles to see membership in the Borgward Register of Australia as a good investment. At only $10 per year or $17.50 for two years with e-copies of the newsletter, there is a lot to be gained: newsletter, information, contacts and friendly people with similar interests.