Daniel Underwood's Mazda Bongo van
These used to be everywhere. Everyone’s dad, uncle and nanna had one. I first bought it in 2010 off Gumtree for $300. It had heaps of rust in it, so I fixed all that, but I was living in Melbourne and didn’t have the room, so I swapped the Bongo for a couch!
A few years later, I tracked it down and bought it back. Since then, I’ve had it painted and re-did the interior. I love limousines; they’re the best. Someone drives you around, all your mates are there and you’re having drinks; what’s not to like? So, I built a bar into the back of it and installed a pretty serious stereo.
I got married recently and I wanted to have the Bongo ready for the wedding. I really had to put the foot down over the last three months, but it was worth it; the boys rocked up in the Bongo, then at the end of the night, Evie and I drove off in it.