Readers Rides

1968 Holden HK Monaro – Reader Ride

Ken Oliver's 1968 Holden HK Monaro


1968 Holden HK Monaro

We caught up with Ken Oliver and his ’68 HK Monaro at this year’s David Hack Classic event. Here’s what he had to say about his classic Aussie racer…

“I bought the car in 1996 with no engine or gearbox in it with the intention of building it as a Group N race car to CAMS specifications. I did all of the work on it myself. I’m not a mechanic but I know just enough to be dangerous! I enjoyed that and learnt a lot along the way. I put a lot of engineering into it to make it go around corners too.

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My first event in the car was the Leyburn Sprints in 2000. I then did a couple of Speed on Tweeds, Noosa Hill climb and Group N races at QR, Lakeside, Morgan Park and Mt Panorama; 265km/h down Conrod with no aerodynamics is pretty special! It’s on club rego, I drove it here today, and in that era of racing that’s what they did and how I think it still should be. I enjoy the racing but I’m not that interested in winning; I just enjoy driving the car.”


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