Readers Rides

1964 Maserati Mistral Spyder – Reader Ride

John Gove's 1964 Maserati Mistral Spyder

Mine is a 1964 Maserati Mistral Spyder and one of only fourteen right-hand drive models in the world from a total production of just over 100. My car was originally delivered in the UK and then lived most of its life in the US then Canada and I bought it 10 years ago from a Canadian seller.

We use it reasonably extensively and have been from Melbourne to Canberra and back a few times. We are doing this trip to Sydney (for the Maserati Global Gathering) and driving it is just a lot of fun. The reason we went for the Spyder was because Judy and I are very much convertible people. We love driving open top cars.

We are wind in the hair people. I’m happy with the Mistral Spyder. Of all the convertibles of all models from 1957 to 1982 that Maserati made, only 25 were right-hand drive Spyders, so we’re very lucky to own it. We were kind of in the right place at the right time. I haven’t done very much work on it other than general maintenance and servicing.

Prior to it appearing at Pebble Beach it had a full restoration, with little use since. It came out of the factory as a right-hand drive car and despite its location in the US and Canada it was never converted to a left-driver.



Photography: Mark Bean

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