Kennedy Lincoln for Monterey

By: Unique Cars magazine, Photography by: Mecum, Jeff Dean

lincoln continental 3 4 front lincoln continental 3 4 front
lincoln continental badge Kennedy Lincoln Continental lincoln continental badge
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental Kennedy Lincoln Continental
Jackie & JFK Jackie & JFK campaiging in 1960. (Jeff Dean pic via Wiki Commons) Jackie & JFK

Jackie Kennedy Lincoln Continental to be auctioned by Mecum at Moneterey

A 1961 Lincoln Continental once driven by Jackie Kennedy - wife of ill-fated President John F Kennedy - will be auctioned by Mecum at its Monterey sale this August.

The car has a colourful history. It was loaned to the White House by Ford and was assigned to Mrs Kennedy (later to become Mrs Onassis) after it had been fitted with assorted Secret Service equipment, including an under-dash radio transceiver. That gear has long been removed.

The car was subsequently sold to a local dealer, Steuart Ford in Maryland, and moved on from there.

It's running a 429 V8 claiming 300 horses, matched to a three-speed transmission. It also has power steering and brakes.

The distinctive blocky design is said to have originally been done for a Thunderbird but was rejected. Someone at Lincoln evidently saw its potential.

How much is it worth? So far there's no estimate. A standard car like this would set you back around US$50,000, but you can factor in a lot more for its celebrity value.

You can see the listing here.


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